Friday, June 20, 2008

One Week from Now we'll be in Kyiv

And "A minus 10" days to our meeting with the Ukraine State Adoption Agency (SDA).

So, is everyone getting tired of the "countdown" titles? So are we, we are pretty much ready to get out of here and get on the plane. Enough thinking and worrying...lets just get going. Of course that's just me (Murray) talking. The real planner, worker, organizer and responsible person is Donna, and she knows we still have to pack, tie up the loose ends, and get all the paperwork ready.

It was our last day at work today. Donna packed up her office as she'll (hopefully) be gone for a few months at least. I just cleaned and tidyed up my office a bit which was a milestone event in and of itself. I don't think either of us will miss work that much. We are too eager to start a whole new chapter in the life of our family. I'm guessing that work will never be quite the same once we get back....

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